about Gibbs
I am a Siberian Husky.
I have brown eyes.
I am told that I could be a Dire Wolf on the Game of Thrones
My hu-mom named me after the character on NCIS
I don't howl unless I'm around my tribe

Halloween Pet Safety Checklist
Detailed checklist to help make your pet's Halloween experience

The Swamp Cooler works great for hiking, running, walking, camping, and more casual activities. In addition to helping keep cool through evaporative cooling, it boosts that cooling by offering the maximum amount of shade and thermal protection.
Kit List
It's stressful to leave your home; after all, you can't pack everything.
Yet, being prepared
to take your pack to safety IS everything.

Leak-Tight Mini
The original and BEST travel mug for dogs.
Squeeze the AutoDogMug and water fills the bowl for your pup to drink, release, and the remaining water returns to the bottle, not wasting a drop.

This is the easiest harness for dogs and their humans!
It's an all-in-one
no pull dog harness.
Summer Paw Patrol
The summer's heat can burn your dogs' feet!
Many of us know about how hot concrete & asphalt can be dangerous for our dog's paw pads.
Did you know there are other surfaces to be aware of?
It's time to be on paw patrol for our pets to keep them safe & healthy!